שותפות תקשורת המונים מקיפה את סיפורו של 9/11 מסתכם לסך של פעילות פלילית מאורגנת–racketeering on a grand scale. RICO statutes provide for seizure of assets of those who are guilty of complicity in such racketeering as the staging and cover-up of 9/11.
FOXNEWS, NPR, ABC, הלשכה המרכזית לסטטיסטיקה, ALTERNET, TRUTHOUT…most of the mainstream and so-called “alternate” media claim to put forth ‘fair and balanced’, true information. What is so is that the principles of ethical journalism are rarely demonstrated. Narratives displace ‘the truth’–narratives which serve the agenda of the powers that be.
Turning events in history steer the human journey based upon deceptions and lies which displace the truth. The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK, 9/11, פיגוע באוקלהומה סיטי, הוק סנדי, Boston bombing, Madrid bombing, Bali bombing, Mumbai bombing, Benghazi attacks, Pearl Harbor, The Titanic sinking, The Maine sinking are all big lies which moved populations to wars, recessions, depressions, and to hate one another in a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy.
“By way of deception, thou shalt do war,” is the Mossad motto which is carried out by the mass media. Mass media breeds mass deception about the two planes bringing down three buildings.
Many of mass media and Hollywood owners, עורכים, directors, personalities and writers are guilty of conspiracy in the cover-up of what really happened to the WTC buildings. Even National Geographic and Popular Mechanics play key roles in the cover-up.
One most egregious example of media complicity in deception is the cover-up by mass media of the forged long-form birth certificate of President Obama. Ethical journalists, if allowed to publish and broadcast their findings, would have already blown this deception wide open in the first days after Obama announced it would be posted on WhiteHouse.gov (just five days before he allegedly got Osama bin Laden). במקום, mass media pundits (whores) label “birthers” those who know about the digitally forged (Photoshopped) birth certificate and ridicule Sheriff Joe Arpaio who has the courage to take on the powers that be.
Tell somebody. Help them to choose the “red pill” to open their eyes.
נצליח במידה שאנו מתמודדים ולחשוף רוע טהור.
Hollywood Jewish Control
The King David Hotel bombing is a good parallel to the WTC attacks.
Jerusalem Post article: http://www.jpost.com/Features/In-Thespotlight/This-Week-in-History-The-King-David-Hotel-bombing
Israel now celebrates the murder of 92 people in the July ‘false flags’ bombing of 1946. Israelis dressed as Arabs when planting the bombs–to deceive by posing as Arabs. Sound familiar?
The motto of the Israeli Mossad is: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”
The Israeli Irgun (Israeli terrorist group) led by Menacham Begin did the bombing. Interesting to note that White House Chief of Staff, Rham Emanuel’s father was a member of the Irgun–notorious for bus bombings in Israel and Palestine. Rham Emanuel served two years in the Israeli Defense Force. Can Rham Emanuel be loyal to the USA and serve Israel.
The assassination of Count Bernadotte is another deception of history to show that Israeli terrorists were willing to murder a man who had been responsible for saving Danish Jews from German prison camps. A zionist tactic involves scripting control dramas to cast the Jews as victims–even killing their own–while committing crimes against others that they themselves accuse others of committing.
פיליפ זליקוב, בוגד & סוכן ישראלי
יהודי נוצרי: אוקסימורון?
הציונות הבינלאומית האם 911–23 עובדות
האם אנו באמת יכולים להפריד בין יהדות הציונות?
Holohoax–דו"ח בית הספר 15 בן של חושף את השקרים שואה