The criminal zionist New World Order is the biggest threat to the human journey. HERE
Some, especially Christian zionists (see DVD “Christian Zionism”), will experience great despair at the realization that the ruling regime of Israel has its basis in pure evil. Satan is deceiving.
There is no point to any more “investigation” without forcing testimony from those who participated, at every level. How can we have “new investigation” without interrogation? What is left to investigate except for who did it? The last seven seated Congresses could not be trusted to “investigate”. Thus, the purpose of this website exploring: WHO DID 9/11? (click to see Key Suspects)
We know with absolute certainty that the THREE buildings in New York were pre-rigged with explosives before planes hit two of them. AE911TRUTH and will get you up to speed. It is essential we now pursue indictment of the REAL conspirators.
Plenty of evidence exists to indict key suspects, starting with Lucky Larry Silverstein. Waterboarding may not be necessary.
Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
Christopher Bollyn speaks to San Diego 9/11 Truth activists on September 14, 2014 (must see):
High profile people who have acknowledged the Israeli Mossad involvement in the 9/11 attacks:
Former Director of Studies of the US ARMY WAR COLLEGE, Dr Alan Sabrosky
Former PRESIDENT OF ITALY, Francesco Cossiga
Former MI5 agent, Annie Machon
Renowned BBC correspondent Alan Hart
US Marine Ken O’keefe
Donald Trump: “drain the swamp” indicated he would expose who did 9-11 once in office
There are many more.
Chemicals used on Syrian citizens are another example of “false flags” attacks by outsiders to blame the Syrian government.
Follow the money–money laundering (which 9-11 Commission ignored) and looted gold vaults:
A renounced Jew speaks quite bluntly about who did 9-11:
Insane World Wrestling Federation audience placard in 1989. Who control the WWF?
It’s time that we ReThink911…that we question who it is who have been leading the 911 “truth movement”. Frankly, the 911 truth movement is stuck because the leadership of many 911 truth organizations are unwilling to name the names of who did 911 and especially are silent about the obvious Israeli, zionist and Jewish crime network connections to 9/11 and the continuing cover-up.
‘There are numerous examples of false flag attacks or events throughout history, especially recent history. For example, the Israeli Mossad, working in conjunction with the Jewish-owned mainstream mass media and Jewish criminals largely controlling the federal government of the United States and the city of New York, orchestrated the massive false flag events of 9/11, and pinned the blame on Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, and “Islamic extremists”. Since 9/11, there have been countless examples of rogue elements in the United States government and intelligence community, often colluding with the Israeli Mossad and other foreign intelligence agencies, setting up or otherwise framing Muslims for acts of terrorism in order to perpetuate the fraudulent meme of a “Global War on Terrorism”, “Islamic extremism”, and a “clash of civilizations”.’ Excerpt from:
[youtube_sc url=” ” autohide=”1″] Keep in mind this video was produced TWELVE YEARS before 9/11/01. Do Zionists run the World Wrestling Federation? What does Jesse Ventura have to say about his role in the predictive programming of the “Toppling-Demolition of the Twin Towers”?
They are more devious AND determined than the rest of the world put together. Their control is now internationally complete.
Never the creator, always the destroyer
Never the artist, always the critic
Never the writer, always the publisher
Never the debtor, always the banker
Never the soldier, always the politician
Never the player, always the owner
Never the boxer, always the promoter
Never the lover, always the rapist
It seems to me that ALL governments from around the world need to help us in whatever way they can to bring this issue to the forefront, continually, until WHO DID 9-11 is front and center EVERYWHERE. It’s in everybody’s interest globally to get it right, and bring the criminals to justice. The entire world has suffered as a result of the crimes of 9-11.
After all, it is these same perpetrators who are now behind using Tactical Nuclear Weapons against Syria, have caused global economic desolation and untold misery. The real perpetrators of 9-11 realize that they are being “Found-Out” , that 9-11 won’t go away and so are trying to ignite WW 3 before the 9-11 Truth Movement Worldwide explodes in popularity. We can’t allow Israel to start WW 3 , just so they don’t have to face the consequences for their planning and execution of 9-11.
“This group of humans is apparently so special, so great, so awesome, so incredible, so protected and possibly so powerful that a strange situation has arisen in the Western World. We non-Jewish humans can write about most any other group of humans, but we cannot write about this group called “Jews” without a creating a firestorm. There are exceptions. We can write about “Jews” if we adopt a slavish, worshipful tone that emphasizes how wonderful, special, perfect and totally awesome this group is.”
— Robert Lindsay, Racial Holy Wars, Real and Phantom
Zionist World Domination: (PDF download)
They have successfully manipulated the entire political world into obedience for their own ends thus generating even more power through hypocritical liberalism whilst quietly pursuing their own fascist agenda.
Some of us saw it coming, but were deemed un-PC…by their disciples. Many cannot face the rampant and stunning corruption of our media, government, financial systems, food systems, legal systems–as it is overwhelming.
Now it is too late, their control of 95% of world media will ensure the truth never sees light of day.
So far we have bought the dead cow, the pig in a poke and the whole damned
London Bridge. When does it stop America? When do we finally truly get a clue and realize that there are no BAD GUYS AND GOOD GUYS but only THE GUYS WITH THE POWER AND THE MONEY TO DO WITH US AS THEY PLEASE UNTIL WE STOP THEM? The “Elite” only exist in our midst so long as they can keep us divided, scared out of our wits, stupid, complacent, malleable, dependent and comatose to their intentions. They are few while we are the great unwashed masses of humanity.
WHO are the 9/11 conspirators? Israel/Mossad/CIA/Neocons/Big Oil/ Banks/MSM
Connect the dots: Explosive demolition of the Twin Towers & Building 7… mass media & Hollywood cover-up … sham investigation by 9-11 Commission … Thwarted efforts to bring evidence into the courts … benefits to Israel … justification for growing police state in US … This video has been taken down.
Think about that for a moment. Do we not have the power of sheer numbers to stop this? With that power is it not possible to wrest the stolen wealth of the global population from their devious twisted little hands? Do we need these sick psychopathic bastards to tell us how to live, what to eat, how to thrive, where to live or choose who will even survive the hell they have planned for us?
Terrorist!!! (Click to download an FLV video file by Snordster)
Syria Nuked By Israel! May 4, 2013 (2 megabyte FLV video file) Please recall that Israel has campaigned for attacks on Iran–claiming Iran is developing a nuclear weapon. Iran has allowed IAEC inspections and there is no evidence of Iran developing nuclear weapons. Israel forbids inspections by IAEC and has an estimated 200-400 nukes–three of which they used just days ago on Syria. Who are the bad guys in this? Can we say, ‘chutzpah’!
Jim Stone: Nuclear Rogue
The real issue at hand now is that Israel has proven itself out in the open, in documented irrefutable conditions, that it considers nuclear aggression an acceptable policy. This means that for as long as Israel exists, it is a menace to the world. It is fairly well proven that Israel caused the Indonesian tsunami, nuked Bali, caused the Japan tsunami, nuked Fukushima, and now, simply because an Arab set a decent camera up and had the balls to post the video immediately, it is proven beyond all doubt and not a guess that Israel is a nuclear rogue. Read More
PDF of evidence implicating Israel in the Fukushima disaster:
Lest We Forget–Netanyahu at Israel’s Bar Ilan University–’9/11 terror attacks good for Israel’
According to Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is ‘benefiting from attack’ as it ‘swung American public opinion’ in Israel’s favor.
The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”
Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cast doubt over the veracity of the September 11 attacks Thursday, calling it a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
“Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York. A building collapsed and they said that 3,000 people had been killed but never published their names,” Ahmadinejad told Iranians in the holy city of Qom.
“Under this pretext, they [the U.S.] attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and since then, a million people have been killed only in Iraq.”
Speaking Wednesday at a news conference on the Iran threat, Netanyahu compared Ahmadinejad to Adolf Hitler and likened Tehran’s nuclear program to the threat the Nazis posed to Europe in the late 1930s.
Netanyahu said Iran differed from the Nazis in one vital respect, explaining that “where that [Nazi] regime embarked on a global conflict before it developed nuclear weapons,” he said. “This regime [Iran] is developing nuclear weapons before it embarks on a global conflict.”
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Philip Zelikow, traitor & Israeli agent
Judeo-Christian: Oxymoron?
International Zionism Did 911–23 facts
Can we really separate Judaism from Zionism?
Holohoax–A 15-year-old’s school report exposes holocaust lies