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It is best to stop ridiculing the truth-seekers, and start paying attention to what they are saying. Look at how conditioned we are not to criticize the poor victimized Jews.
What sort of TRUTH is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Who is conditioning us and killing the truth?
Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz)
Zionist making 9/11 truth a joking matter.
WikiSpooks 9/11: Israel did it. (click to view at WikiSpooks website) The photo of Louis Eisenberg at the WikiSpooks website is actually a picture of a different Louis Eisenberg.
ROB LONAKER: LETTER FROM A SOLDIER’S PARENT TO ISRAEL (click the title to read the letter)
It is sad that to please the Zionist power in America, U.S. Government officials are willing to sacrifice the lives of American boys to save Zionist/Marxist Israel.
Is Israel A Freind Of The U.S.A.???? Remember The USS Liberty!
WHO REALLY DID 9/11…WHO ARE THE KEY SUSPECTS? CLICK HERE . These are by no means a complete list of the co-conspirators–especially in the aspect of a COMPLICIT MASS MEDIA and HOLLYWOOD in the cover-up. The list of conspiracy suspects is quite long.
No one has been indicted and convicted for 9-11. Not one person.
It is way past time to bring indictments, make arrests, interrogate and prosecute for the crimes of 9-11.
Please join the 911JusticeCampaign. Link your website to http://911JusticeCampaign.org The NEW LITMUS TEST of trustworthiness is willingness to support the 911JusticeCampaign.
Philip Zelikow, traitor & Israeli agent
Judeo-Christian: Oxymoron?
International Zionism Did 911–23 facts
Can we really separate Judaism from Zionism?
Holohoax–A 15-year-old’s school report exposes holocaust lies