ב ', יוני 10, 2013 ב 2:03 AM, קונסנסוס 911 <consensus911@gmail.com> כתבתי:
ניו יורק, יוני 8, 2013 — Amidst growing doubts about its origins, the tragedy of September 11, 2001, continues to fuel the war on terror.
בינתיים, disturbing evidence long suppressed in the media is surfacing through the 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel’s scientific review of official claims that 19 diminutive Muslim hijackers defeated America’s defenses.
Incredibly, not one of the 300 Dulles International Airport security cameras –positioned at ticket counters, lounges and boarding gates — captured images of the alleged hijackers of AA Flight 77.
The famous “בואו נזוז,en” telephone call from UA Flight 93 was left open ל 15 minutes after the plane allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania.
Government accounts about the whereabouts of key Pentagon leaders that morning are contradicted by witness reports that would raise the most cynical of eyebrows.
These reports are only outdone by the fact that 12 major air defense exercises — some traditionally held in April and October — were all scheduled for the morning of September 11.
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