Cruauté psychopathique: / index.php?option = com_content&view = article&id = 639 116:jenin-ce-i-jamais publié&catid = 173:jim-pierre&Itemid = 1314&ACM = 11_81
Sur Mothers Day
A time line of CIA atrocities:
***See this***NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS 1940 From the “Juif” York Times, 1940
Words of Bobby Fischer – world famous chess player and former Jew
Israeli-Jew Geneticist, Eran Elhaik
This is what many have confirmed for years–now confirmed by science…
“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Juifs, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” – Révélation 2:9
See article below:
For more details on this, you can check out my book if you’d like:
Aussi, please also refer to the writings of John Kaminski,en for more information pertaining to world-wide Jewish mafia crime that our own US Embassy in Tel Aviv warned the American people of –and which the Jewish controlled press WILL NOT tell you or me about– in a memo titled: Israël: Promise Land for Organized Crime?.
Memo here:
John Kaminski’s site here and please consider supporting his work:
Other critical articles that must be read and spread are:
The Host and the Parasite – How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America [Lecture by Greg Felton] by onmhyway
It’s time the world woke up to the REAL enemy…the masterful deceivers!
Philip Zelikow, traître & Agent israélien
Judéo-chrétienne: Oxymore?
Le sionisme international ne 911–23 réalités
Peut-on vraiment séparer le judaïsme du sionisme?
Holohoax–Rapport de l'école d'un 15-year-old expose les mensonges de l'Holocauste