Take the mass media’s chorus of condemnation of Snowden as a clue: Snowden is a distraction, at best, and a Trojan horse at worst.
Read more here. Mass media breeds mass deception with their propaganda. And read more TUTAJ that the Jew York Times won’t tell us.
It’s not just FOX NEWS which participates in deceiving us. ALL major networks are complicit in cover-ups and deceptions.
A most telling examples of mass media complicity is the broadcast on March 4, 2001 (six months before 9/11) of this pilot episode of the X-FILES:
[youtube_sc url =”http://www.youtube.com / watch?v=IIdhoc0PRr8″ autohide =”1″]
How did the Hollywood script writers, directors and actors know to produce this scenario of a passenger plane being hijacked electronically and flown into the Twin Tower? Is CIA somehow in collusion with Hollywood? It seems so.
Welcome to Orwell’s 1984! We the Sheeple are being led to our own enslavement and slaughter by the mass media and Hollywood.
Philip Zelikow, zdrajca & Agent izraelski
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