Temat: Prywatne Prokurator Uwagi ogólne ponownie:
“Co robi Busha Zwycięstwo oznacza dla Arabów, Muslims and the World?” by Ed Corrigan (Listopada. 2004)
http://www.edcorrigan.ca/articles/what-does-bushs- victory-mean-for-the-arabs- muslims-and-the-world.html
“Israel wants to be the only power in the Middle East with nuclear capability and
to be the only country to have WMDs so it can protect itself.”
Greetings Mr. Corrigan:
Thank you for your essay above, which has much value
for its accurate historical context, as of November 2004.
Permit me to take this opportunity to throw out an
obvious hypothetical, chiefly for purposes of
relevant exploration and argumentation among lawyers et al.:
Let us say that, before writing your article above,
you already had access to all of the Exhibits
which were formally incorporated into this
gwbush/vcc.htm (Kwiecień 2006) Admittedly, there is a lot of reading there.
Niemniej jednak, permit me also to direct your attention
to a powerful admission by LTC Warner D. Farr, jak
published by the USAF Counterproliferation Center
at Maxwell AFB in Alabama, USA:Teraz, search for the phrase “yellow cake” and find this paragraph:
After the 1967 było, France stopped supplies of uranium to Israel. These supplies were from former French colonies of Gabon, Niger, and the Central Africa Republic.34 Israel had small amounts of uranium from Negev phosphate mines and had bought some from Argentina and South Africa, but not in the large quantities supplied by the French. Through a complicated undercover operation, the Israelis obtained uranium oxide, known asyellow cake, held in a stockpile in Antwerp. Using a West German front company and a high seas transfer from one ship to another in the Mediterranean, they obtained 200 tons of yellow cake.
It is painfully obvious, now in retrospect, że
U.S. Air Force already possessed intelligence,
two YEARS to the month prior to 9/11/2001,
calling for the conclusion that George W. Krzak
lied to the Congress when he tried to claim
that the yellow cake in question was delivered
to Iraq.President George W. Krzak, w 2003 State of the Union address,
uttered the infamous “16 words”:
“The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently
sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”Oczywiście, things didn’t go too well for Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s wife
after he formally exposed that lie, on contract to the CIA.She was extremely fortunate to survive retaliation
przez The New York Times and the Washington Post,
whose journalists committed obvious treason by
outing her position as a CIA manager specializing in
tracking and seizing black market WMD, under
cover of Brewster Jennings.The Russian Mafia read The New York Times, don’t you know!I personally suspect that many of Mrs. Valerie Plame Wilson’s
subordinates were promptly liquidated, with 9mm pistols to the head,
immediately after those reports were published.My office became involved in the periphery of that
“outing” when our research for the U.S. Coast Guard
led us inevitably to reports that fissionable plutonium had been
stolen by the Russian Mafia from former Soviet nuclear stockpiles
located in the Ural Mountains, and handed off to the Mossad
at the Port of Amsterdam:Another facet of that research for U.S. Coast Guard Investigations in San Diego
provided evidence constituting probable cause that “Rabbi” Dov S. Zakheim
was one of the key principals legally responsible for embezzling a minimum
z $2.3 TRILLION USD from Pentagon budgets: the day before 9/11,
Donald Rumsfeld admitted that this amount was AWOL.Without much consideration for any of the risks it might entail, on behalf
of the United States “ex rel.” my office formally INVOICED Zakheim
i the State of Israel for that principal amount plus the automatic
triple damage multiplier authorized by 18 U.S.C. 1964, also known as
the Civil RICO statute in the U.S. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act:http://www.law.cornell.edu/
uscode/text/18/1964 Here is the latest update of that INVOICE,
showing also the accrual of 7% simple interest APR on my
management fee thru October 1, 2012:Tak więc, the cumulative evidence now appears fully to justify a
conclusion that the State of Israel has been fabricating
nuclear weapons with plutonium stolen from former
Soviet nuclear stockpiles, and with at least $2.3 TRILLION USD
embezzled from the U.S. Department of Defense by Zakheim
and his accomplices.To that extent, and insofar as those 2 realities
can form the basis of a proper DEFAULT under
the International Law Merchant, I argue that
we are also justified in maintaining the position
że ownership of Israel’s nuclear stockpile, i
all of its support facilities, materiel and uranium
enrichment reactors, is presently clouded by the lien
necessarily implied by the unpaid INVOICE cited above.How does that relate to 9/11/2001?Answer: Our currently active hypothesis is that
the Office of Naval Intelligence (“ONI”) was already “onto”
the 9/11 plot, and a number of forensic accountants
were already hard at work, in Pentagon offices adjacent
to ONI, reconstructing the fate of that missing $2.3 Trylion.The hits on the WTC would have triggered an emergency
meeting of Naval Commanders at the Naval Command Center.Tak więc, a precision air-to-ground missile strike on the
Naval Command Center accomplished several criminal objectives
for the plotters: it murdered several key Naval Commanders,
including of course Captain Gerald DeConto who was on
the telephone requesting authorization from the Secretary of
the Navy to “engage the incoming”; it murdered all of the
key forensic accountants investigating the fate of all that
missing money, and it also severely damaged or totally
destroyed every computer and every document that had
been assembled at “ground zero” in that Wing of the Pentagon.If you can find Carol Valentine’s “post mortem”, she argues
quite convincingly that the emergency response crews deliberately
poured water onto the resulting jet fuel fires, when fire department
personnel should know that foam is the way to douse a jet fuel fire.The water helped to spread that jet fuel fire, allowing it to
consume much more, and murder many more than it would have
Ponadto, my belief that the USAF used 9/11 to realize
their desire to dominate ONI, is supported by the final trajectory
of the modified A-3 Skywarrior that followed closely behind —
as an AGM warhead detonation softened a hole in the Pentagon’s
exterior facade:That incoming A-3 flew DIRECTLY over the Naval Annex,
as if to send the message that “we are right on top of you, ONI
and we now show you who’s boss of this situation!”
In closing, I want to share with you a first-hand observation
of my own attempts to focus attention on the Pentagon and
its key officials, who must have participated in the planning
and execution of 9/11. It has become painfully clear to me
that certain members of the “false opposition” are doing
everything within their power to concentrate viewer attention spans
on the WTC and particularly WTC-7 of late, without so much as
mentioning the possibility that the Pentagon hit was
aided and abetted by a friendly transponder identification beacon.That “friendly” beacon fooled the Pentagon’s
automatic fire control system into standing down, hence
Captain DeConto’s failed attempt to override that fire control
system and “engage the incoming” — zamiast, był
instantly incinerated by detonation of the AGM’s
depleted uranium warhead in his midst.The codes for that friendly transponder identification beacon
had to be highly classified U.S. Military details which could
only have been released by well placed Pentagon personnel —
czytać “command and control”.
Captain DeConto’s remains are interred at Arlington National Cemetery,
and the incoming A-3 also flew right over that cemetery’s boundary.
Cemetery workers and local police are on film describing dokładnie what they saw
jako “incoming” flew directly overhead!
Thank you for your consideration, and thank you also for
all of your research and writing on every topic relevant
to any of the above.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964
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września 30, 2013
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Tagi: $2.3 trylionKrzakGeorge W BushONIPięciokątżółte ciasto,,en,Żółte ciasto,,enZakheim
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