Vigilância em massa NO ESTADO POLICIAL orwelliano. Parte 1: O Big Brother Wants, pelo Dr. Lasha Darkmoon
Vigilância em massa NO ESTADO POLICIAL orwelliano (Parte 1), pelo Dr. Lasha Darkmoon
(Excerpt below. Read entire article at: )
We mentioned General Petraeus above. We offered the Petraeus affair as proof that blackmail was the Bolsheviks’ game. Let’s get back to this point.
The Bolsheviks tell you that you have nothing to fear. Not if you’re an upstanding and honorable citizen. Did they tell that to General Petraeus, a pillar of the community? If they can spy on Petraeus and bring him toppling down for a mere peccadillo, don’t you think they can do the same to you if you cross them in the slightest way or get on their nerves?
Remember this: Petraeus was careful. Super careful not to be caught. All he was guilty of was a little extramarital affair. He didn’t even send his inamorata any emails. He kept them hidden in his drafts folder, hundreds of them, so that pretty Paula, his official biographer, could access them there through a password. The general thought he was being smart, playing the old “draft folder trick", letting Paula read his unsent emails before deleting them.
In spite of all these precautions, Big Brother hacked into his computer and sniffed out his secret love life, forcing him to resign.
General Petraeus and his biographer Paula Broadwell
General Petraeus was not engaged in terrorism. He was not planning a military coup or an attack on the White House, the headquarters of Big Brother’s most conspicuous puppet. He was not thinking of bombing Dimona or the Israeli Knesset. All he was doing was sending billets-doux to his mistress Paula Broadwell, saying “I love you.” And for this he was ruined and forced to resign.
Petraeus had been critical of Israel. And so the people on Israel’s payroll went into attack mode. Muitos Zionist Jews were delighted at his downfall.
Foremost among General Petraeus’s enemies, his chief nemesis, was US Representative Eric Cantor, highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress in its history, e, incidentalmente, a cosponsor of legislation to cut off all US taxpayer aid to the Palestinians. Within the last week there has been a military coup in Egypt. The Egyptian army, according to the latest figures, has shot 51 peaceful demonstrators to death and injured a further 431. What does Mr Cantor think of this? “The Egyptian military has long been a key partner of the United States and a stabilizing force in the region,” he babbles fatuously. “Democracy is about more than elections.”
That’s interesting. Here is a man who approves of the massacre of peaceful Egyptians protesting at the ouster of their democratically elected president, Mohamad Morsi. As we might have expected, AIPAC has given Cantor its full support. People who have no strong objections to the coldblooded murder of Muslims in Palestine are unlikely to shed tears for Muslims massacred in Egypt.
But to get back to General Petraeus. It was into the hands of this arch-Zionist and Islamophobe, Eric Cantor, that General Petraeus’s private emails fell. Alegadamente, they had been passed on to him by an FBI whistleblower.
Even if true, the question that still needs to be asked is this: how did the private emails of an American general seen as hostile to Israel fall into the hands of the highest-ranking Jew in Congress, a man who is crazy about Israel and would do anything to get hold of those compromising emails?
Given that President Obama himself knew nothing about Petraeus’s emails, it is more than surprising that this intimate correspondence should end up on the computer of an American Jew with close ties to Israel.
Was the fall of Petraeus a Jewish plot? Sem dúvida. The entire Petraeus affair is a cautionary tale whose moral is: DON’T CROSS THE JEWS.
The Petraeus affair demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that even our sex lives are of interest to Big Brother. And Big Jewry. Assuming that Big Brother and Big Jewry are separate entities. The details of our sex life, as we shall see in Part 2 of this essay, eventually find their way to Israel by a back door marked ‘Verint’ and ‘Narus’. All this furnishes proof that the main purpose of mass surveillance is not to combat terrorism but to discover people’s weak points, their guilty secrets, and then use this knowledge to control them: to silence them, intimidate them, manipulate them, put pressure on them to do something or stop doing it: in short, para blackmail eles.
Can we expect trouble in the near future? Sim, we can. Signs of the gathering storm grow apace. We can see them all around us, the dark clouds and distant thunder of an approaching tempest.
Philip Zelikow, traidor & Agente israelense
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