Puppet Putin? Or Putin Taking Out Trash in Ukraine?
Lembre -se de voo da Malásia MH370 que desapareceu,en,Bollyn.com/the-downing-of-mh17-s-srael-involved/ menos,en?
A collection of doubts around Putin’s credibility as opposition to the JWO agenda.
I am not a political analysts nor a researcher, but I do have common sense and reasonable intuition. Some of this information is only supposition (hearsay), but snippets of information I have picked up here and there from people I trust in the movement.
This is more of a draft compilation, not an academic thesis; as I deliberately didn’t want this to be an extensive hard-to-digest type of article. I wanted to keep it at-a-glance style essay; therefore making it approachable for all. I plan to add links to these points at a later date when I have compiled them all. I see this post more as putting out a concept, like the Jews did 9/11 theme until we collectively came to the conclusion through accumulative evidence.
This is an important subject, which needs to be discussed, especially when we are edging towards WW3, and Russia being a powerful key player in it all.
Anyone doubting these points, or needing to find out more information can further independently research these areas themselves.
1. Putin is surrounded by Chabad Jews in his cabinet–“Keeping his enemies closer”–as per Abraham Lincoln?
2. Putin pays tribute to foundational Jewish NARRATIVES.
"We have to clearly realize that any attempts to review our country’s contribution to the great victory, and to deny the Holocaust – a shameful page in the world history – isn’t just a cynical and unprincipled lie, but the oblivion of lessons from history which could result in a repeat of the tragedy,” ~ Vladimir Putin
3. He is a former KGB agent
Enough said. Former communist = working for judaic interests–or Putin knows where the skeletons are hidden?
4. Under his governing as president, Russia has morphed into a capitalist society
Is this man looking out for the interests of his people? Has Russia rejected the JEWISH-based usury/fiat currency? Are the Russian people freed-up from this Bolshevik Judaic curse, just like Iceland?
Private debts of the Russian people due to Jewish usury amounted to 7 trillions of rubles, comparing to 12,886 trillions of rubles of input to the Russian federal budget 2013. *
That was Hitler’s first move in curing Germany of the disease of judaism; getting rid of USURY and setting up a ‘independent’ labour-based currency. Dentro 3 years Germany was back on its feet – hence Germany was demonized by the JMSM. Similar for Iceland.
5. Why has he engaged in ‘diplomatic’ talks with Netanyahu in the criminal state of Israel?
Netanyahu is a mass murdering criminal, and the head of a criminal state. One simply does not engage in business with these criminals. They need to be outed from the political equation. With their CV, the sane world should not include them in any discussions whatsoever. You shouldn’t even sit at the same table as this monster, unless you’re spitting in his face – not smiling and shaking hands. You don’t do business with the devil.

6. Russia supposedly supplied Israel with components for their jet fighters.
Why why why would anyone in their right mind supply mass murders who have a record in slaughtering innocent peoples, with military components??? Is it just business?
7. Russia supposedly supplies oil to Israel–is that still occurring?
Novamente, you do not do business with the root cause of the world’s evil. Especially supplying an important element like fuel. Suppling these murderous thieving usurpers with fuel is indirectly helping to kill Palestinians and others around the world! And what direct help has Putin provided the Palestinians with anyway?
8. He attended the Victory Monument in Israel *
Em junho de 25, 2012, Vladimir Putin attended the unveiling of the Victory Monument in Netanya in Israel, an unprecedented joint-state venture between Israel and Russia; to honor the Red Army, including the half million-plus Jews who fought against Nazi Germany during World War II.
9. Acceptance of microchips *
Desde 2013 in Russian Federation there will be implemented electronic identification card system (UEK – Uniwiersalnaja Eliektroniczieskaja Karta), the same as RFID. This is officially admitted by administration of Chabarovsk Country.
10. Dumbing down of Russians *
Between 2005-2010 12’377 schools ceased to exist in Russia, including 10’089 in rural areas. This fits neatly into the JWO agenda.
11. Enforced immigration policy *
Russia takes the 2nd place (globally) in respect of the number of foreign workers; yet at the same time there is massive unemployment in Russia
image of foreign workers
12. Depopulation programme *
In the period of the last 15 years the number of native Russians has diminished to 6 million people. Russian cities took 40% of places in the international rating of most dying off cities on global scale (e.g. 5th Niżnyj Nowgorod -11,76%, 6th Saratow -11,54% mieszkańców, and so on) (OUN report)
13. Putin the oligarch *
Putin himself is an oligarch and a billionaire, and the figure of billionaires in Russia has risen several times during the presidency of WWP. Simultaneously the minimal wage of the ordinary worker since January of 2013 has only risen to the level of 5205 roubles (520,5 zł, 150 $). According to official data of Rosstat, in the 1st quarter of 2012, 13,5% of Russians (19 million of people) have got earnings under the social minimum.
14. Suicides under Putin’s presidency *
Russia takes 1st place in respect of number of suicides committed by youths and children (9-15) (data from Petersburg, “health commission” member, Swietłana Ryczkowa). These statistics of his presidency are not in alignment with someone who is one of the good guys.
15. Putin accepts Agenda 21 martial law *
On 23rd of May, 2007, Putin signed agreement (no 4100940-4) concerning the future intervention of NATO in Russia, in the event of civil disturbances, natural and technological distasters.
Spring of 2012 – his government purchased 6809 tasers (AIR-107U) to suppress civil protests.
Yea that sounds like one of good guys to me.
16. Putin opens mausoleums in memory of famous Jews who slaughtered millions of Gentiles *
• Renovation of mausoleum of Lenin/Blank in Moscow. On 7th of Nov 2012 it was officially opened (Petersburg).
• On 11th of Sep. 2012, a monument of Bolshevik Jew, Dzierzynski (real name, Rufin) was officially opened (Tumen)
And many others.
17. Putin bans free speech *
Russia has passed a law which forbids certain ‘extremists’ websites. “It can be that there are sites of opposition organizations and independent media written in that list” (RIA Novosti).
“Not even one ‘extremist’ excess (website) shouldn’t go unpunished” ~ V. Putin (“RIA Novosti”)
18. Putin the accused Murderer *
Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko (officer of Russian FSB secret service who specialized in tackling organized crime) accused Putin of ordering the Outubro 2006 murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
But of course he is indirectly murdering thousands of other lives through implementing his master’s policies OR the Ukraine actions are defensive efforts much like Israel claims to be defending itself and a police action to take out the parasitic rot that occupies Ukraine.
1. He is surrounded by chabad Jews in his cabinet
2. Russia has just accepted the fascicle holofraud legislation
3. He is a former KGB agent
4. Under his governing as president, Russia has morphed into a capitalist society.
5. Why has he engaged in ‘diplomatic’ pally talks with Netanyahu in the criminal state of Israel?
6. Russia has supplied Israel with components for their jet fighters.
7. Russia has supplied oil to Israel–Is Israel sanctioning Russia now?
8. He attended the Victory Monument in Israel
9. Acceptance of microchips
10. Dumbing down of Russians
11. Enforced immigration policies
12. Depopulation programme
13. Putin the oligarch
14. Suicides under Putin’s presidency
15. Putin accepts Agenda 21 martial law
16. Putin opens mausoleums in memory of famous Jews who slaughtered millions of Gentiles
17. Putin bans free speech
18. Putin the accused murderer
Because Putin is one of their boys–or is he as he was blamed for the MH17 formaldehyde coffin shoot-down?
Interview where Deanna Spingola discusses some of these areas with John Kaminski
Philip Zelikow, traidor & Agente israelense
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