We would do well to learn the true history of the Bolsheviks and the infliction of Marxism upon Czarist Russia. An understanding of the real history of Jewish communism (Marxismo) puts a clearer context on Sgt. Raymond Turner’s rant below:
![]() The following was posted in the comments section here but was SO good I thought deserved being published as a standalone.
Our great thanks to the good Sgt.
If I were the “Stalin of America” most of our govt and media would be shot for treason or sent off to a FEMA camp or put to work on infrastructure projects. AIPAC and the Rothschild’s Federal Reserve would be no more. The debt would be erased over night. Lobbies and all political donations outlawed. MOSSAD agents in America would be shot on sight. And if Israel didn’t like it, some of our 81 nuclear attack subs and 11 carriers would finally be put to good use. John Hagee would simply be put on a starvation diet. Pam Gellar sent to a concubinage in Saudi Arabia. Alan Dershowitz & Joe Lieberman parachuted into Afghanistan wearing IDF officer’s uniforms and MOSSAD ID. George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld taken to Nevada and tied feet-first to wild stallions. Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh cast adrift on a life raft in the western Atlantic at 20 degrees north in the middle of Hurricane season. The entire lot of neo-cons involved in 9-11 would be loaded onto a remote control jet with just enough fuel to make it 500 miles off the east coast at 30,000′. These are only a few of the just ends for the traitorous agents of Israel.This country would be cleaned up in short order.Sgt. Raymond Turner, USA |
Philip Zelikow, traidor & Agente israelense
Judaico-cristã: Oxímoro?
Internacional sionismo Did 911–23 fatos
Podemos realmente separar o judaísmo do sionismo?
Holohoax–O relatório da A 15-year-old school expõe mentiras do holocausto