Alvin K. Hellerstein is the federal judge in the U.S. courthouse in Manhattan who is responsible for all wrongful death and personal injury cases filed by families of Sept. 11 victims.

Alvin K. HellersteinHellerstein was born in New York in 1933. He was nominated by William J. Clinton on May 15, 1998 and confirmed by the Senate on October 21, 1998.
Hellerstein se formou no Columbia College em,en,e recebeu seu diploma de direito da Columbia Law School em,en,Em um movimento mais incomum,en,Os primeiros julgamentos a serem ouvidos são apenas o julgamento por danos para determinar o valor da compensação, em vez de determinar a responsabilidade pelo crime do século,en,Hellerstein está restringindo firmemente as evidências de que os demandantes podem apresentar no primeiro julgamento,en,O New York Times reportou em outubro,en,Hellerstein governou,en,que ele excluiria algumas das evidências mais sensacionais e especulativas dos queixosos,en,no julgamento,en,que deve começar em novembro,en,A decisão de Hellerstein,en,foi um golpe para os demandantes neste e possivelmente em outros casos de morte por negligência decorrentes dos ataques,en,e poderia acelerar o ritmo dos assentamentos,en,O Times relatou,en,APENAS,en,Os casos permanecem,en,Joseph Wayland,en 1954 and received his law degree from Columbia Law School in 1956.
Today, he controls all 9-11 victims’ cases, as well as the lawsuits filed by the thousands of New York City workers who became seriously ill or died as a result of their exposure to the smoking rubble.
More than 6 years after 9-11, not one victim’s case has gone to trial. Hellerstein has done everything under the sun to prevent a liability trial from occurring.
In a most unusual move, por exemplo, the first trials to be heard are only damages trial to determine the amount of compensation rather than to determine liability for the crime of the century.
Agora, Hellerstein is tightly restricting the evidence that the plaintiffs may present at the first trial, the New York Times reported on October 18, 2007.
Hellerstein ruled “that he would exclude some of the plaintiffs’ more sensational and speculative evidence” in the trial, which is to begin on November 5.
Hellerstein’s ruling “was a blow for plaintiffs in this and possibly other wrongful death cases stemming from the attacks, and could accelerate the pace of settlements,” the Times reported.
Joseph Wayland, um advogado para as companhias aéreas,en,disse ao The Times que apenas,en,Casos de morte por negligência permaneceram,en,No primeiro julgamento de danos,en,o caso Ambrose,en,Hellerstein decidiu que o júri não teria permissão para ver fotografias de pelo menos um dos seqüestradores e dr,en,Ambrose passando separadamente por um posto de verificação de segurança no Aeroporto Internacional de Dulles,en,onde dr,en,O vôo de Ambrose se originou,en,A vítima,en,Paul Wesley Ambrose,en,morreu a bordo do vôo da American Airlines,en,Seus pais processaram a companhia aérea,en,empresas de segurança aeroportuária,en,e outros,en,argumentando que os ataques poderiam ter sido previstos e a morte de seu filho evitou,en,"Isso é muito,en,Inquérito muito limitado,en,E o juiz está tentando garantir que problemas de responsabilidade e outros assuntos que possam distrair o júri da questão limitada antes que eles sejam mantidos fora,en, told the Times that only 12 wrongful death cases remained.
In the first damages trial, the Ambrose case, Hellerstein ruled that the jury would not be allowed to see photographs of at least one of the hijackers and Dr. Ambrose separately passing through a security checkpoint at Dulles International Airport, where Dr. Ambrose’s flight originated.
The victim, Dr.. Paul Wesley Ambrose, died aboard American Airlines Flight 77. His parents have sued the airline, airport security companies, and others, arguing that the attacks could have been foreseen and their son’s death averted.
“It’s a very, very limited inquiry, and the judge is trying to make sure that liability issues and other matters that might distract the jury from the limited issue before them are kept out,Wayland disse,en,Excluindo evidências e mantendo o inquérito,en,muito limitado,en,é o que o processo supervisionou por Hellerstein está fazendo nos últimos seis anos,en,desde o,en,O litígio começou,en,Conflito de interesse de Hellerstein,en,O juiz Hellerstein tem um conflito de interesses muito sério,en,que os jornais de Nova York e National devem investigar,en,Hellerstein é um sionista dedicado com laços familiares profundos e de longa data com o estado de Israel,en,Um réu importante no,en,litígio é huntleigh EUA,en,A empresa de segurança e rastreamento de passageiros da companhia aérea, responsável pelos passageiros que embarcaram nos vôos em Boston e Newark,en,Huntleigh USA é uma subsidiária de TIC de propriedade integral,en,Uma empresa israelense de propriedade e operada por oficiais seniores do Mossad,en.
Excluding evidence and keeping the inquiry “very limited” is what the process overseen by Hellerstein has been doing for the past six years, since the 9-11 litigation began.
No 9-11 litígio, Judge Hellerstein has a very serious conflict of interest, which the New York and national newspapers should investigate.
Hellerstein is a dedicated Zionist with deep and long-standing family ties with the State of Israel.
A key defendant in the 9-11 litigation is Huntleigh USA, the airline security and passenger screening company that was responsible for the passengers that boarded the flights at Boston and Newark. Huntleigh USA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ICTS, an Israeli company owned and operated by senior officers of the Mossad.
A esposa de Hellerstein é uma sionista dedicada e sua falecida irmã Helene Mulhall deixou os Estados Unidos para,en,ir para cima,en,Amit,en,a organização sionista Sra.,en,Hellerstein é um oficial sênior de,en,colocou um aviso de morte para Helene no New York Times em outubro,en,que disse,en,Helene Mulhall viveu uma vida variada,en,E através de sua Aliyah pessoal demonstrou seu amor pelo povo e pelo estado de Israel.,en,Aliyah significa,en,O termo hebraico para deixar Israel significa,en,para descer,en,para o resto do mundo,en,Outros membros da família Hellerstein viveram e morreram na Palestina desde o início dos anos 1900,en,A família de Alvin K,en,Hellerstein é claramente dedicado ao estado sionista,en,Há um documento sobre Alvin K,en,Hellerstein que sugere que ele trabalha com o estado israelense desde meados da década de 1950,en “go up” para Israel.
AMIT, the Zionist organization Mrs. Hellerstein is a senior officer of, placed a death notice for Helene in the New York Times on October 23, 1998, which said: “Helene Mulhall lived a varied life, and through her personal Aliyah demonstrated her love for the people and State of Israel.”
Aliyah means to “go up” para Israel. The Hebrew term for to leave Israel means “to go down” – to the rest of the world.
Other Hellerstein family members have lived and died in Palestine since the early 1900s. The family of Alvin K. Hellerstein is clearly devoted to the Zionist state.
There is one document about Alvin K. Hellerstein that suggests that he has been working with the Israeli state since the mid-1950s. Because of the urgency of the 9-11 litígio, I am presenting this document with these comments.
In the summer of 1956, as the Suez Crisis developed between Egypt and Israel, Hellerstein flew from Mexico City to New York with a plane load of New York Jews and a man named Sylvio Francis Damato.
The 1940s and 50s was a time when Mexico City was one of the key points through which U.S. military contraband and airplanes were sent to Israel – in violation of U.S. law.
One of the key players in this weapons and airplane smuggling was a man named Hank Greenspun, whose son Brian was one of Bill Clinton’s best friends.

Zionist Weapons Smuggler “Hank” GreenspunAs the PBS biography of Herman “Hank” Milton Greenspun (1909-1989) says in its Las Vegas series: “Em março 1947, when he was 34, Greenspun was hired by Ben “Bugsy” Siegel para ajudar a produzir hype para a reabertura do Flamingo Hotel de Siegel,en,Greenspun precisava do dinheiro e Siegel precisava desesperadamente da imprensa positiva.,en,Greenspun trabalhou para o mafioso judeu,en,Siegel até que ele fosse assassinado,en,Mafioso judeu,en,Siegel,en,Alguns meses após a morte de Siegel,en,PBS relatou,en,Greenspun se envolveu na organização judaica Haganah e comprou armas de todo o mundo e os contrabandeou para a Palestina,en,Cidade do México e armas sionistas,en,com as forças sionistas sem armas,en,Greenspun comprou e roubou metralhadoras e peças de avião no Havaí e as acompanhou pelo México para enviar para forças sionistas na Palestina,en,Como um contrabandista de armas sionistas,en,Greenspun trabalhou em estreita colaboração com outros criminosos judeus nos Estados Unidos na época,en,Notavelmente Teddy Kollek,en,Yehuda Artzi,en. Greenspun needed the money and Siegel desperately needed the positive press.”
Greenspun worked for the Jewish mobster “Bugsy” Siegel until he was murdered.

Jewish Mobster “Bugsy” SiegelA few months after Siegel’s death, PBS reported, Greenspun became involved in the Jewish organization Haganah and purchased weapons from around the world and smuggled them to Palestine.
Em 1947, with Zionist forces short of weapons, Greenspun bought and stole machine guns and airplane parts in Hawaii and accompanied them through Mexico to ship to Zionist forces in Palestine.
As a Zionist weapons smuggler, Greenspun worked closely with other Jewish syndicate criminals in the United States at the time, notably Teddy Kollek, Yehuda Artzi, and Adolph W. Schwimmer.
Teddy Kollek raised money to buy weapons from his office in the Syndicate-run Copacabana Club in New York City. In one day in 1948, Kollek raised a million dollars in Mexico City to buy airplanes, according to his January 2, 2007 obituary in the New York Times. “There was a ban on arms exports to Israel, so dismantled airplanes, por exemplo, were shipped as prefabricated houses.”

Brian GreenspunAt the behest of his good friend Brian Greenspun, President Bill Clinton pardoned Al Schwimmer along with a host of other Jewish criminals before leaving office.

Bill Clinton, Michael Jordan, and Brian GreenspunThe 23-year-old Alvin K. Hellerstein traveled from Mexico City in August 1956 when the Suez Crisis was getting very hot and at a time when U.S. weapons sales to Israel were banned. Given the fact that the Israelis used Mexico City for all kinds of illegal shipments of weapons and drugs, and seeing that Hellerstein is doing everything possible to protect the Israeli defendants in the 9-11 litígio, it is fair to ask: What was Alvin Hellerstein doing in the summer of 1956 and exactly what are his ties to the State of Israel?
Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, “The Absence of Justice for 9/11 Victims,” 20 Março 2007
Bollyn, “The Zionist Hijacking of the 9/11 Victim Lawsuits,” 14 Apr 2006
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