Our ‘special ally’, Israel, receives direct payment of $8 million US per day, even though Israel:
1) Attacked the USS Liberty
2) Attacked the US on 9/11
3) Refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and refuses inspections by the IAEA
4) Is known to have penetrated all levels of US society with wiretapping and surveillance
Any of the above facts alone–and especially collectively–are sufficient justification to STOP PAYING EXTORTION MONEY TO ISRAEL.
AIPAC dominates Congress in its lobbying force.
Philip Zelikow, traidor & Agente israelense
Judaico-cristã: Oxímoro?
Internacional sionismo Did 911–23 fatos
Podemos realmente separar o judaísmo do sionismo?
Holohoax–O relatório da A 15-year-old school expõe mentiras do holocausto