“America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right [i.. opposite] direction…. [with the result]: Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002
Our country has been infiltrated slowly and incrementally to where the USA is now a shell of her former self, divided and in ruins so as to fulfill Netanyahu’s cursed words. The Trojan horse has been inside the gates for a century and more. Key positions of control, authority and influence are occupied.
It is in Netanyahu’s words that we see the agenda of Rothschild Zionism which is the enemy and ruin of America. Zionists prosper at the expense of our Republic, and people world over.
The breadth and depth of infiltration of the “Zionists” in media, Congresso, bancário, Hollywood, the Pentagon, alternative media, the courts, think tanks, political parties, Wall Street and much more, is such that the Trojan Horse invasion is complete. We are in the phase of the gutting and slaughter of the host (US) by the Zionist parasites.
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, Outubro 3, 2001
Here is Gilad Atzmon:
Q: Can we separate Judaism from Zionism?
A: Não. Israel isn’t called the ‘Zionist State,’ it defines itself as the ‘Jewish State.’ The parties in the government are called “Israel Our Home” and the “Jewish Home” not the “Zionist Home”*. Now the Israeli cabinet has approved the National Bill that defines Israel as the Jewish state not the Zionist state. Zionism from an Israeli perspective died in 1948. Zionism was a promise to erect a Jewish state in Zion (Palestina). Once, Israel was established, Zionism was finished with its role. The only people who maintain the Zionist nonsense are the Jewish left because they want to differentiate between Jewishness and Zionism.
The proven role of Zionists (ler: Judeus) in perpetrating 9-11 should be the #1 topic of every patriot and our leaders. No entanto,, the majority is asleep, or more likely stunned and comatose from the many stinging traumas and struggles of just surviving. America was attacked through a false flag operation in the United States by Israel, and the American military turned into a vast soulless, war-without-conscience killing machine … let loose on totally innocent people in other lands.
Some of us get caught up in being politically correct not to say such things as “Jews”. The more acceptable word is “Zionists”.
“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they [Americanos] do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…” —Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
Six mega conglomerates control 96% of the world’s media. This matters for the simple reason we can never get the Truth, but also because our minds and culture are constantly manipulated for perpetual racism, bigotry, divisiveness, foi, violence, propaganda, social engineering and cultural and personal degeneracy, suiting the designs of the Talmud, which de-humanizes and subverts Humanity and profanes the sacred for a perpetual supremacist rule. Também, it is the reason, we should ask ourselves, why we never see Israel in the news for the atrocities they commit on the Palestinian people on a daily basis, as well as their own diabolical war crimes against a whole nation of people.
The Jews’ agenda is accomplished with lobbying successes of AIPAC combined with having great leverage in using the Federal Reserve as their ATM machine. The cronies become the first spenders of newly created currency and We, the People are left holding the debt. It’s as if we are not yet divorced and the spouse goes on a spending spree with the credit cards.
Agencies and organizations which we would expect to function to protect and defend the Constitution (and our Republic) from all enemies, both foreign and domestic seem not to recognize and even actively ignore the big lies of 9-11 and especially Israel’s role in 9-11.
Peace groups, veterans groups, anti-war groups rarely if ever link their own activism with the efforts to expose 9-11 mentiras.
The National Rifle Association is pivotal in protecting and defending our liberties and our Republic. Sure, they are watchmen over efforts to take away Second Amendment rights, porém, are they vigilant and vocal about attacks on the Constitution which come from Israel? Not a word.
Here is an open letter to Mr. Wayne LaPierre and the NRA putting their feet to the fire. Is the NRA controlled such that they are gagged from exposing the massive treason in our midst?
Philip Zelikow, traidor & Agente israelense
Judaico-cristã: Oxímoro?
Internacional sionismo Did 911–23 fatos
Podemos realmente separar o judaísmo do sionismo?
Holohoax–O relatório da A 15-year-old school expõe mentiras do holocausto