What BS and gall! O Whitehouse ignorado Richard Clarke e Able Danger. The FBI ignored Sybil Edmonds and the Arabs in flight schools.
Six of the 19 listed hijackers turn up alive–complaining of being falsely named for 9/11, yet FBI Chief Muller does not revise the list of alleged hijackers.
The FBI was clearly involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing–a false flags event designed to falsely demonize muslims.
Arrest the traitors in the FBI
FOXNEWS reported on Osama Bin Laden’s death on December 26, 2001. REPORT: BIN LADEN ALREADY DEAD
Here is a death announcement from Arabic newspaper, Dezembro, 2001:
Philip Zelikow, traidor & Agente israelense
Judaico-cristã: Oxímoro?
Internacional sionismo Did 911–23 fatos
Podemos realmente separar o judaísmo do sionismo?
Holohoax–O relatório da A 15-year-old school expõe mentiras do holocausto